TRAK Dance Ensemble / Stella Blanc & Hector Palacios has developed their teaching work since 2017 in schools like;

IWANSON International School of Contemporary Dance, Mozarteum University Salzburg, Orff-Institut Salzburg, Musisches Gymnasium Salzburg, Thomas Bernhard Institut Salzburg, MDW - Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien/ University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

‘Our classes delve into and propose a variety of movement codes, aiming to break down the conventional vocabulary used in contemporary dance training. We are constantly in search of the genuine forms that dancers employ in their personal movement exploration, taking a close look at the innate capabilities of their bodies. Our goal is to avoid rendering anything obsolete or making choices that cannot lead to transformation. We consistently practice the undefined and embrace the nonsensical, with a strong focus on all the intermediate stages, the paths to and from something, the transitions, and the interplay between conscious and unconscious dance. Each class is designed around a blend of improvisation and predefined material, allowing participants to apply the tasks in two distinct settings and gain a broader understanding.’


A collection of the works made for the Mozarteum University Salzburg and Orff-Institut Salzburg

Shimmering Skyline (2020)

The last piece (2022)

Artificial Cataclyzm (2021)

Let’s be heroes (2019)